Since becoming president of OWFI, I’ve learned how “fluid” the conference can be. We’ve had more changes. Pat Smith is suffering a condition that not only prevents her from taking pitches at our conference, but has also forced her to resign from Goldminds Publishing. That said, her boss, editor Steven Anderson (Law) is coming in her place. Be sure and go to our website and read all about him.
Emmanuel Morgan has changed literary firms. She is now with Stonesong. That said, she is still looking for the same things as stated on our website. But you might want to check Stonesong out.
We have added pages to our website. We now have the Table Reservation, Autograph Party, Editor/Agent appointment, Shepherd, and Volunteer pages up. Which brings me to something I’d like to encourage you to consider—volunteering!
Jim Davis, our shepherd chair, still needs shepherds. This is a great way to not only network, but to have extra input in your writing. I encourage you to contact Jim at and volunteer. Please put Shepherd Volunteer in the subject line.
We also need volunteers for the following:
· Information desk. This is new this year. We would like someone take one hour to man the desk to answer questions that attendees might have. You will have all the cell phone numbers of those who will know the answers (if you are not sure, we will go over everything with you). There will also be a map to all the different rooms and classes.
· Registration. If you are interested in helping with this, please contact Ruth Weeks at and put Registration Volunteer in the subject line.
· Bag Stuffer. This is a fun job! We will do this on Thursday afternoon. If you are in the area and can come early, we’d love to have your help!
· Editor/Agent Appointments. If you would like to help here please contact Jan Morrill at and put Editor/Agent Volunteer in the subject line.
· Basket Wars. If you would like to help Vivian with this please contact her at and put Basket Wars Volunteer in the subject line.
Another awesome opportunity is to help Chuck Sambuchino with his book table. He will have a table in the bookroom but is going to handle his own books. However, while he is teaching or taking appointments he will need help. Now get this, he said for those who help him he will offer edits on your queries or synopsis, or pages. This is fantastic. This is a guy who knows the secrets! This offer is especially desirable for those of you who hate writing queries and synopsis! We could use two or three people for this. And what better way to get to know Chuck? Networking, networking, networking! I’m just sayin . . .
Finally, I want to tell you about another incredible opportunity. This year Bill Bernhardt is conducting a preconference small-group seminar. It will be in Oklahoma City beginning on Sunday, April 29, 2012 and finishing the morning of Thursday, May 3, 2012. There is only room for 10 people. We only have 7 spots left. The charge for this intensive seminar is $499.00. There will be a non-refundable deposit of $50.00 due by April 22nd.
Below is the description and if you are interested or would like more information, please write me at Put Bill Bernhardt Seminar in the subject line.
OWFI Pre-Conference Small-Group Seminar
The seminar consists of five intense, inspiring days learning the art and craft of writing. In addition to the instruction, editing, and advice, each participant will be guided in:
· Composing
· Writing a first-rate query letter and synopsis
· Outlining several chapters of their book–the building blocks for selling and publishing your work.
Participants will also gain experience pitching and selling their work for publication. The seminar is limited to no more than ten participants. This seminar is designed for writers who have at least started a work-in-progress and hope to be published by a major publisher.
I appreciate all of you!
Keep Weaving!