Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Can you believe it? Time for the OWFI Conference is almost here. And with the conference rapidly approaching there are a few loose ends to tie up:

  • We are now receiving items for the bags. If you have bookmarks, post cards, anything fliers, etc. please send them to me at 20245 Pug Gayer Road, Fayetteville, AR 72703 OR bring them to the Embassy Suites on Thursdays before 2:00. 
  • We now have a "Buzz" page on the website. If you would like to host a buzz session please let Jen Nipps know. 
  • APRIL 19th is the last day the hotel block will be held for OWFI conferencees. Even though the hotel shows as full, we still have rooms reserved for us! Be sure to tell them you are with the OWFI Conference!
  • PANELS: As of now I have received one (1) uno, panel question. Those sent to me will be asked first. In the interest of time, those who attend the panels will be asked to write their questions and give them to the person working the floor who will sift through them and take out any redundant questions and give them to the moderator, who will ask the questions.
Also, I have read and re-read suggestions from last year and have tried to implement most of them (except for the dancing girls suggestion) One of the chief complaints have been the cold rooms. I'm sorry to say that we have absolutely no control over that. If we make one room warmer, the others will be burning up. The reason is that the system is set for the Ballroom which we divide into parlors with the folding walls. Therefore, bring sweaters. It is better to put things on than to take things off. 

Another suggestion is to have coffee and tea. I will look into that for the afternoon. But you have no idea how expensive that is! I'll look into the budget and see if we have "room" for it. 

We will have better signs. 

This year the book room is on the first floor. We were going to put it in the Pre-con room, but that is going to be the meeting space for editors and agents. The Embassy has combined two rooms by the pool (behind the area we eat breakfast) They used to serve as the hospitality room and the game room. That will be our book room. We will have signs and will also encourage other hotel guests to shop as well! 

That is all for now but I'll be blogging more often to keep you updated on what is going on. This is going to be a great year!! I can't wait to hear all of your success stories! 

Keep Weaving,

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